Treatment in Germany

Mobilization of the immune system is a weak spot of cancer

The relation between the physical resistance of the body and the progression of the disease.

Diet and physical activity will help mobilize the vital forces of the body to fight cancer.

Scientists have determined that by adhering to a certain diet:

  • Risk of breast cancer is reduced by half
  • The risk of developing stomach or bowel cancer with a healthy diet is reduced by 90%
  • The risk of developing lung, throat, oral cavity, bladder cancer decreases with a healthy lifestyle and nutrition by 20%

When the cancer is not able to spread, it loses its aggressiveness.

The food enters the body daily and, thus, has a significant effect on it.

Recently, natural products have been discovered that halt the process of angiogenesis, the growth of blood vessels that feed the cancer.

It is important to understand that the reduction in the risk of cancer depends not only on the use of single anti-cancer products, but on the combination of healthy food components. Those. The diet should consist of a number of products used. For example, the anti-cancer properties of tomatoes and broccoli affect the reduction of the tumor, if used together.

Specialists of the German onco center developed special recipes:

Box 1 - Healthy eating
Box 2 - Nutrition by cancer
Box 3 - For patients taking chemotherapy


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